Phase Two:
Family and Community

Many have observed that as we attain higher states of health and self-realization, we naturally seek to share that well being with others.
Ideally, this happens in every widening circles of inclusion and
participation without bias.
This section offers resources and perspectives to support our desire to make a positive contribution in the lives of our families and communities.

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Making the World a Brighter Place…

See also our Practitioners Page



One of the single most potent acts we can commit to in these volatile times is to make ourselves and our families as self-sustaining as possible. Divesting our dependence on failing systems, as much as possible, will surely serve us in innumerable ways. Permaculture is a brilliant, comprehensive approach.

The Need to Grow documentary - A MUST SEE!

Permaculture Principles

The Grow Network

Ecoversity - Online Permaculture courses



Yoga in Solidarity - This project is spearheaded by Bridget Boylan. They hold regular zoom-based yoga classes raising money for many causes and projects around the world. She currently has a video available of their first collaborative yoga session. The cost is $20 and the proceeds go to Whatcom Fire District #7~ first responders.
Contact here email HERE or by phone: (503)610-0834


These resources in this section are offered to help us become more informed and competent in offering therapeutic assistance to self, family, and friends. We feel this is important because professional health care is not always available and its always wise to have non-pharmaceutical strategies available when possible.

Practical Homeopathy - This writer has had extraordinary success with the educational programs on this site and several protocols for acute and chronic issues. Highly recommended.

Dr Zach Bush - Fascinating perspectives on healing, agriculture, the biome, and much more… Listen to a podcast interview with him HERE.

The Answer to Cancer - A nine part documentary series on alternative cancer treatments and prevention. (occasional free screenings)



Coming soon…